Spotlight / Summer Spotlight 2022
LGBTQ+ Pride Month / June

Explore research about transgender and nonbinary persons’ experiences with trauma, from a strengths-based perspective.

Learn about effective ways that victim service providers can support LGBTQ+ youth who experience violence.
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression / June 4

Learn about how one Child Advocacy Center uses task sharing, which allows clients to be served effectively by seeing fewer professionals.

Find out about how children with autism may process the trauma of sexual abuse.

Read about why children do not always tell anyone about sexual abuse and what can be done to facilitate disclosure.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day / June 15

Read about how the past 25 years of homicide studies have not always included older adult victims and how future research can improve. (Contact the Research Librarian for full-text)

Watch this webinar on findings from a recent systematic review of research to prevent abuse among older adults.

Review this research brief about elder abuse experienced by LGBTQ+ older adults and challenges they face in accessing victim services.
World Day against Trafficking in Persons / July 30

Hear from criminal justice and victim services professionals about the importance of helping survivors of sex trafficking access resources to address complex trauma and substance use disorders.

How do U.S. citizens experience labor trafficking? Read this exploration of the relationship in the United States between labor trafficking and other labor exploitation practices.

Learn from this in-depth national survey about the availability and types of specialized services for trafficked youth in the United States.
Bereaved Parents Awareness Month / July

How can communities support homicide co-victims? Read how police departments and nonprofits in Ohio, Chicago, Illinois, Richmond, Virginia, and Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina assessed needs and built services for grieving families.

Review the efficacy of psychological interventions after losing a loved one to homicide.

Find out how Black survivors of homicide cope and how services can integrate culturally appropriate responses. [Contact the Research Librarian for full-text.]
National Back to School Month / August

Understand how tailored programming can protect students from cyberbullying.

What are the predictors and consequences of school violence? Check out the Evidence Hour webinar and related resources on confronting school violence.
International Day of the World’s Indigenous People / August 9

Listen to Indigenous women voicing their experiences and make recommendations for change in the way police respond to sexual assault.

Watch this webinar on restoring matriarchy, uplifting survivors’ voices, and igniting spaces of healing based on Indigenous models of wellness and collectiveness.
Women’s Equality Day / August 26

Why does gender equality matter? Review this multinational data analysis of measures related to gender inequality and sexual abuse. (Contact the Research Librarian for full-text.)

Read about Black transgender women’s experiences of polyvictimization, revictimization when they sought help, and the value of affirming community resources.

Learn about how race- and gender-based inequities can prevent survivors from reporting violence to the police.