Tell Us About It, Episode 25: Supporting Rural, Remote, and Underserved Survivors in Arizona

This episode of Tell Us About It features a conversation with Lynn Jones and Sarah Young Patton, partners on a research fellowship project funded by CVR. Lynn and Sarah collaborated […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 24: Synthesizing Victim Compensation Services Data in California

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we spoke with Robin Foemmel Bie about the data evaluation project completed at the California Victim Compensation Board. This project aimed to […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 7: Research on Youth Victims of Trafficking

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we talk with Meredith Dank, a research professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City and the […]

Research-to-practice inspiration in the CVR Library, part 2

In a 2020 survey of Texas victim service providers, respondents said that hearing from others who have partnered with researchers would help with their own efforts to work with a […]

Research-to-Practice Inspiration in CVR Library

Learn strategies to locate reports from research-to-practice collaborations studying issues in the victim services field.

Find a Partner

The first step in collaboration is finding a partner to work with. Whether you’re new to the victim services field or just starting to think about research and evaluation, the […]

Tell Us About It Episode 30: Building Victim Services with Research at the Saginaw Police Department

Join Brittany Jeffers, the victim services specialist and unit coordinator of the Saginaw Police Department, and Dr. James Bowers, a criminal justice professor at Saginaw Valley State University, as they […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 6: Poly-Strengths and Poly-Victimization

Sherry Hamby joins us on this episode of Tell Us About It to expand on the topic of “poly-strengths,” as well as her work in resilience as a tool for […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 1: Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we’re joined by Emily Tofte Nesteval and Kazi Houston of the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center. They share their experience incorporating research and data gathering into their planning and operations, through a partnership with Dr. Anne DePrince.

Tell Us About It, Episode 17: Incorporating Community Research and Practice at Casa de Esperanza

This episode of Tell Us About It is the first of a two-part series focused on research and policy at Casa de Esperanza and its National Latin@ Network. In part […]

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