Tell Us About It, Episode 13: Collecting and Understanding Hate Crime Statistics with Jack McDevitt

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we speak with Jack McDevitt, who is the Director of the Institute on Race and Justice at Northeastern University and a Professor […]

Annotated Bibliography: Research on Involving Crime Survivors in Program Planning and Policy Making

This bibliography summarizes research about the impact and challenges in including victims in nonprofit organizational planning and the design of victim services: “nothing about us without us.”

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Annotated Bibliography: Human Trafficking Victims with Disabilities or Mental Illness

This annotated bibliography gathers research on any type of trafficking in which victims had disabilities or mental illnesses prior to trafficking.

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The Center for Victim Research strives to help victim service providers and researchers advance the evidence base for victim services. We welcome your questions and comments. Our mailing address is: […]


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Tell Us About It, Episode 29: Using Data to Empower and Support Victims at the NVRDC

In this episode, we talk to Bridgette Stumpf and Lindsey Silverberg of the Network for Victim Recovery of DC. They share NVRDC’s experience in becoming a data-informed champion for victims, […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 9: Defining a Well Child in Taos Pueblo with SPIRIT

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we talk with Dr. Holly Scheib and Po Chen about their work with SPIRIT in the Taos Pueblo tribal community of New […]

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