Tell Us About It, Episode 18: Incorporating Community Research and Practice at Casa de Esperanza, Part 2

This episode of Tell Us About It is the second of a two-part series focused on research and policy at Casa de Esperanza and its National Latin@ Network. In part […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 22: Gender and Victimization Rate in Community Court

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we speak with Alesha Durfee, PhD, Associate Professor in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University and Paul Thomas, Court Administrator […]

The Evidence Hour: Cultural Responsivity in Domestic Violence Intervention Approaches for Immigrants in the U.S.

Center for Victim Research’s webinar series, The Evidence Hour, showcases a recent systematic review* or meta-analysis about victimization, trauma, or victim services. Each webinar features an author of the research […]

Collecting Data

Research, evaluation, and program planning all require good quality data collection. For good quality data collection, you must know what data you need, how you will collect it, and how […]

Insights from NCVS Data for the Victim Assistance Field: Who Might We Be Missing?

A major goal of the Center for Victim Research is to develop a community of victim service providers and researchers to improve practice through the effective use of research and data. This webinar will focus on how data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) can help inform the victim service community about victimization patterns and service needs among different groups in the population. The NCVS is the nation’s primary source of information on criminal victimization, representing the self-reported victimization experiences of survivors 12 and older across the United States. Though the NCVS data is publicly available, it is difficult for those without training to do their own analysis, including in pursuit of information not easily answered through annual NCVS reports (e.g., looking at victims and related needs intersectionally, considering multiple characteristics at once).

Presenters will share findings from the NCVS about who is at greatest risk for violence and the use of victim services. Special emphasis will be placed on issues of race, ethnicity, gender, age, poverty, access to services, and the impact of victimization, especially at a time when historic funding levels and increased flexibility make data-driven strategies for return on investment in victim assistance as critical as ever.

Webinar participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about the data and how they might be used to inform their research and practice.

Tell Us About It, Episode 2: Research with the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we talk to Anne DePrince, the principal researcher for the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center. She shares her perspective on the use […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 4: Synthesizing Evidence to Improve Victim Response

Jennifer Yahner and Marina Duane of the Urban Institute join us on this episode of Tell Us About It to share the goal and processes behind the research syntheses being […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 5: The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we talk with Katherine Manners about the inception of OVC’s Vicarious Trauma Toolkit, which was released in April 2017. Katherine served as […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 3: Dr. Judy Postmus and the Violence Against Women Research Consortium

For this episode, we sit down with Dr. Judy Postmus to discuss her research on physical, sexual, and economic victimization experiences of women and her development of a Violence Against […]

Tell Us About It, Episode 8: NSVRC – Promoting Research on Sexual Violence

On this episode of Tell Us About It, we talk with Kartha Vierthaler and Jennifer Grove of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center about the work they do in building […]

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