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Evidence is Power Webinar

Community-based agencies receive growing pressure to implement “evidence-based programs.” That is, programs that have been studied and deemed “effective” by researchers. But what is considered evidence? And how can community-based agencies build their own evidence of what works in their communities? This webinar will examine these questions and explore the many opportunities and challenges that […]

Human Trafficking Survivors’ Legal Needs Part 2: A Constellation of Legal Problems

Due to the complexity of human trafficking, survivors often have multiple interlocking legal needs that negatively affect their ability to achieve stability and escape the trafficking cycle. “urvivors need specialized services that can assist with expungement, vacatur, and record sealing. Beyond criminal records, survivors also face other legal obstacles” such as debt, identity theft and […]

Facilitación que Transforma: Construyendo Comunidades Virtuales Transformative Facilitation: Building Virtual Communities

A muchas organizaciones de violencia doméstica, la pandemia les ha llevado a cambiar la forma en que se ofrecen algunos servicios de apoyo. Es decir, hoy en día muchos servicios de apoyo son ofrecidos virtualmente, adaptándose así a la pandemia y a las restricciones con respecto a encuentros presenciales. Los grupos de apoyo son una […]