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The National Center for Victims of Crime 2021 National Training Institute

The National Training Institute (NTI) emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to sharing promising practices, current research, and effective programs and policies that are victim-centered, practice-based, and research-informed. The National Training Institute is a forum for law enforcement, victim service professionals, allied practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to share current developments and build new collaborations.

Sesión Informativa sobre las Políticas y la Labor Investigadora del Centro Para La Vivienda Segura, una iniciativa de NRCDV / NRCDV’s Safe Housing Capacity Center Policy & Research Briefing

Con motivo del Mes para la Concientización sobre la Violencia Doméstica (Domestic Violence Awareness Month en inglés, DVAM según sus siglas en inglés), el Centro Nacional de Recursos contra la Violencia Doméstica organiza su sesión informativa anual sobre las políticas públicas y la labor investigativa el martes 12 de octubre de 1:00 a 4:00 (hora […]

Transform Webinar – The Cycle of Violence, Victimization, and Trauma Exploring Mechanisms for Thriving and Healing for BIPOC People and Providers

From the Transform Research Center: The Cycle of Violence, Victimization, and Trauma Exploring Mechanisms for Thriving and Healing for BIPOC People and Providers This panel includes three clinician scholars who will give “lightning talk” style presentations on Black males’ experiences with trauma, Latinx providers’ vicarious trauma and healing centered interventions with Black girls. This panel […]

Book Discussion: Strengths-Based Prevention: Reducing Violence & Other Public Health Problems

Join Rutgers School of Social Work Center on Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) for an evening discussion with Dr. Vicki Banyard and Dr. Sherry Hamby on their forthcoming book Strengths-Based Prevention: Reducing Violence & Other Public Health Problems. Speakers: Vicki Banyard, PhD Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Development, & Associate Director, Center on Violence […]

Coming Together in the Fight Against IPV: Building Multi-Agency Partnerships to Implement and Evaluate a Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team (DVERT)

The University of Cincinnati School of Criminal Justice and Ohio’s Office of Criminal Justice Services invite you to learn about Hamilton County’s Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team (DVERT), an innovative evidence-informed domestic violence service delivery program. Speakers will discuss the history of DVERT, the importance of the program, the role of evaluation and community-based research collaborations, […]

Cultural Responsivity in Domestic Violence Intervention Approaches for Immigrants in the U.S.

October CVR Evidence Hour webinar:  While all communities can experience domestic violence, immigrants are at a higher risk of victimization due to their unique positionality in the United States. Even though empirical research has examined mainstream domestic violence interventions and the extent to which they deter victimization, there is limited knowledge about culturally responsive interventions […]


Deferred Disposition for Domestic and Sexual Violence Cases in Maine

Join JRSA in this webinar presentation of research on the use of deferred disposition. As jurisdictions look to transform their criminal justice processes, there is growing interest in the use of deferred dispositions. However, there has been little research on the use of deferred dispositions in cases involving domestic or sexual violence. This recent examination […]

Incorporating Youth Voice and the Lived Experience in Research

The National Academy of Sciences Board on Children, Youth, and Families (BCYF) is holding this research seminar that examines the importance of including youth voices in research. They note that for research on topics related to youth health and well-being to be meaningful, it must also be responsive to the real experiences of youth today. […]


Incorporating Racial Equity Analysis in Policymaking: Racial Impact Statements in Justice Reform

From the Urban Institute: Good policy should account for how decisions will play out on the ground and affect people’s lives. One tool lawmakers can use that aims to shed light on these impacts before legislation is passed is the racial impact statement. Like environmental or fiscal impact statements, racial impact statements are predictive tools […]

Human Trafficking Survivors’ Legal Needs Part 2: A Constellation of Legal Problems

Due to the complexity of human trafficking, survivors often have multiple interlocking legal needs that negatively affect their ability to achieve stability and escape the trafficking cycle. “urvivors need specialized services that can assist with expungement, vacatur, and record sealing. Beyond criminal records, survivors also face other legal obstacles” such as debt, identity theft and […]

Measuring Race and Racism in Studies of Research Use

Hosted by the William T. Grant Foundation and the Forum for Youth Investment, this event, Measuring Race and Racism in Studies of Research Use, is the fourth webinar in a series focused on bringing critical race perspectives to research that examines how to improve the use of research evidence in policy and practice. Past webinars […]

Bullying as a Developmental Precursor to Sexual and Dating Violence Across Adolescence

The next webinar in CVR's Evidence Hour series will take place on November 17, 2021 Adolescent bullying continues to be a major focus of scholarly research across the globe with 1,585 published articles in the last decade. This webinar will include discussion of the longitudinal studies of the bully-sexual violence pathway (Bully-SV pathway) where bullying […]
