July 28, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Helping without Harming: Educating Mental Health Professionals on Working with Survivors of IPV
Center for Victim Research’s webinar series, The Evidence Hour, showcases a recent systematic review* or meta-analysis about victimization, trauma, or victim services. Each webinar features an author of the research […]

July 27, 2021
Evidence Hour: Confronting School Violence and Victimization
Learn about the results of a large NIJ-funded meta-analysis on the sources of school violence and victimization. This review included various forms of aggression and crime within K-12 schools; and […]

July 6, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Preventing and Reducing Violence Against Older Adults
Our June Evidence Hour topic is based on the systematic review of reviews: Do Elder Abuse Interventions Work? by Dr. Khiya Marshall Mullins et al.

May 24, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Teen Dating Violence Help-Seeking Among Ethnically and Racially Diverse Youth
In our May Evidence Hour, we discussed the article, “The Evidence Hour: Teen Dating Violence Help-Seeking Among Ethnically and Racially Diverse Youth” by Diana Padilla-Medina et al. (2021) in Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,

May 19, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Preventing and Reducing Violence Against Older Adults
Despite the prevalence of elder abuse, there has been relatively little progress in identifying proven strategies to prevent or end abuse among older adults. Researchers from the Centers for Disease […]

April 15, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Child Maltreatment & Housing Stress Resources
In our March Evidence Hour, we discussed the article: “Association of Housing Stress With Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review” by Caroline Chandler et al. (2020) in Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

March 1, 2021
The Evidence Hour: CVR Webinar Series
The Center for Victim Research has a new webinar series we’re calling The Evidence Hour. Every month, CVR will showcase a recent systematic review or meta-analysis about victimization, trauma, or […]