Spotlight / Fall 2020

National Campus Safety Awareness Month / September

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Learn about the strengths and limitations of campus climate surveys that examine sexual violence occurring on individual college campuses.

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Explore how college students’ fear of crime and perceptions of safety are affected by their prior victimization experiences and knowledge of others’ victimizations.

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Understand how college students’ and universities’ crime prevention efforts and safety measures affect students’ fear of crime and perceptions of safety (contact CVR Librarian about full-text access).

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Read about the development of a multidisciplinary team that involved campus, criminal justice, and community-based institutions seeking to improve responses to campus sexual assault.

National Hispanic Heritage Month / September

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Review data looking at the human trafficking and exploitation of Latinx migrants and refugees.

bias victimization

Read about the nature and pattern of bias-motivated victimization among Latinx adults and watch CVR’s webinar sharing key findings and implications.

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Understand treatment outcomes for Latinx and non-Latinx white victims of crime from this review of Victims of Crime Treatment Center data (contact CVR librarian about full-text access).

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Check out this summary of research on intimate partner violence in Latinx communities.

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month / October

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Learn about findings from the 2014-2020 evaluation of the National Domestic Violence Hotline and loveisrespect, including short-term outcomes.

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Understand survivor-centered approaches to domestic violence and how they can lead to changes in empowerment and post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Read about the impact of mandatory reporting laws in reducing help-seeking for over a third of intimate partner violence survivors.

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Check out this blog by CVR researchers calling for support to victims of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month / October

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Check out this study that calls for schools to consider their entire social ecology when planning and implementing bullying prevention interventions (contact CVR librarian about full-text access).

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Learn how cumulative experiences of bullying victimization impact middle- and high school students’ behavioral, mental health and academic outcomes (full text in CVR’s library).

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Examine data from the 2017 National Crime Victimization Survey (school crime supplement) that shows how bullying victimization experiences vary across characteristics of students and their schools.

Bullying-Cyber Bullying

Review data from the Cyberbullying Research Center on how bullying and cyberbullying affects LGBTQ youth.

National Native American Heritage Month / November

missing Native American women and children

Learn about the prevalence of missing Native American women and children in Nebraska and barriers to reporting and investigating.

National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

Check out resources from the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, including: fact sheet on sexual violence against Native American women and children, fact sheet on violence against Native adults, and webinar on participatory research for Native domestic violence programs.

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Explore data from the National Elder Mistreatment Study comparing elder abuse prevalence among American Indians and Alaska Natives (contact CVR Librarian about full-text access).

gender-based violence in Indian country

Read about lessons learned from a national workgroup on safe housing to understand the relationship between housing instability and gender-based violence in Indian country.