National Census of Victim Service Providers

2023 NCVSP

The 2023 National Census of Victim Service Providers (NCVSP) is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). This data collection was previously administered in 2017, and BJS is working with the Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN), Westat, and the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) on this current effort. The NCVSP is critical to understanding the current landscape of victim services across the country and providing national data on victim service provision and characteristics of victim service providers. By accurately gathering information on all provider organizations, we can identify gaps in services and funding needs for programs responding to the needs of crime victims and survivors in communities nationwide.


NCVSP Partners



Update on the 2023 NCVSP

Data collection for the 2023 closed on July 2, 2024. We are grateful for all who participated by providing key information about their organization’s victim service work. The project team is currently preparing the data to be analyzed by the Bureau of Justice Statistic (BJS). A public report will be produced and the data – without identifying individual organizations – will be made available to other researchers to explore the composition of the victim service field.

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2017 NCVSP

The first NCVSP was conducted in 2017 by BJS with support from OVC.

These data dashboards provide a closer look at the information produced by the 2017 NCVSP to illustrate the usefulness of this type of national data. There are three visualizations provided:

2017 NCVSP VSP Organization Distribution

2017 NCVSP Participation by State

2017 NCVSP VSP Organization Average Staffing by State

Click on the navigation buttons above the maps to move between visualizations.


Reports and Related Resources

National Census of Victim Service Providers, information from BJS about the 2017 NCVSP, including the methodology, questionnaire, and publications.

Victim Service Providers in the United States, 2017, the BJS report from the 2017 NCVSP, which describes the types of organizations that served victims, maps their locations, and reports on the rate of VSPs per 100,000 U.S. residents by state.

Just the Stats: Victim Service Providers in U.S. Counties, 2017 , a brief BJS report that uses maps to display the rates of victim service providers per 100,000 residents for U.S. counties in the 50 states and the District of Columbia and the rates of victims served per 1,000 county residents.

National Census of Victim Service Providers: Making the Most of Data, a CVR webinar which provides background about the goals and methodology of the NCVSP and discusses key findings and potential uses of the NCVSP data. Presenters provide guidance in analyzing the NCVSP data, highlighting some of the data strengths and limitations. March 2020.



If you have any questions, contact the project director, Susan Howley, at

This project was supported by Grant No. 15PBJS-21-GK-02597-RESS awarded by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.