Victim Researcher Profile

Researcher Photo

Yi-Ping Hsieh



North Dakota


University of North Dakota


Assistant Professor




Educational Psychology- Human Development


6-10 years


Dr. Hsieh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at University of North Dakota, USA. She earned a Ph.D. degree in Educational Psychology from Indiana University, Bloomington, a M.A. in TESOL, and a B.S. in Medical Sociology and Social Work. Dr. Hsieh was trained in advanced research methods and had experiences working in large-scale longitudinal data analyses. Her primary program of research focuses on the joint effects of multidimensional/multilevel risk and protective factors on children and adolescents’ outcomes of physical health, behavioral health, and mental health (e.g. obesity, Internet addiction, problematic technology use, substance use, bullying and victimization, depression) in an ecological systems model (in the levels of individual, family, school, community, and culture context) and a lifespan developmental perspective. With her diverse education background and working experience, Dr. Hsieh currently collaborates with local, national, and international scholars and practitioners from various disciplines on several projects. The collaborators include psychiatrists, pediatricians, school teachers, social service agents, and scholars from psychology, social work, public health, criminal justice, education, nursing, occupational therapy, and forensic medicine. Moreover, she believes the importance of community partnerships and the value of making data meaningful. Using evidence for translating knowledge into practice and policy in the right context can help to reduce disparities in child and family health and wellbeing, raise awareness, and improve the quality of life in communities. For example, Dr. Hsieh involved in a federal agency SAMHSA-funded project in developing and evaluating evidence-based and school-based suicide prevention program for all school personnel to provide an integrated care and solution to students. She also leaded a school-based safer Internet research project and involve in another school-based project to promote students’ physical and emotional wellbeing. As for community-based education and prevention program, she involved in an immigration integration project in town to promote a welcoming community, especially for refugees, and an affordable housing project which address social determinates of health to help socioeconomically disadvantage individuals and families in their pursuit of self-efficiency and strengthen local neighborhoods. Dr. Hsieh has published widely, including in the Computers in Human Behavior, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Journal of Child and Family Studies, Journal of Early Adolescence, Family Process, Journal of Behavioral Addictions, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Child Abuse & Neglect, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Violence and Victims, Families in Societies, Child Indicators Research, International Journal of Emotional Education, and The Journal of School Nursing, etc.


Bullying, Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse, Computer/Internet Crimes, Domestic and Family Violence, Sexual Abuse or Violence (other than campus sexual assault)


American Indian and Alaska Native (tribal) victims, Child victims, Immigrants and refugees, Rural victims


Data collection, Descriptive studies, Quantitative studies, Quasi-experimental studies


Data collection, Descriptive studies, Quantitative studies, Quasi-experimental studies