Victim Researcher Profile
University of Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice
More than 20 years
I have been the PI or Co-PI on five federally funded research projects involving the victimization of college students, the sexual victimization of college women, violence against college women, campus-level responses to a report of sexual assault, and most recently a longitudinal study of interpersonal violence against and by emerging adults. I have worked with Drs. Chris Krebs and Chris Lindquist at RTI and Professor Sandra Martin at UNC-Chapel Hill as a consultant on the design, administration and data analyses of the Campus Sexual Assault study. I was member of the National Academy of Science's panel to examine the measurement of rape and sexual assault. Currently I am working on several projects. First, I, along with Professor Sandra Martin at UNCC, are working with the University of Hawaii and OmniTrak in Hawaii. We have helped to redesign their 2019 campus climate survey and are now in the process of analyzing the survey responses their statewide higher education system. Second, I am working with Professors Suzanne Swan and Nicole Lasky to better understand drugging victimization and perpetration among college students. We are currently in the field collecting data via MTURK and plan to collect data from over 3,000 respondents. Third, I am working with Professors Ann Coker and Heather Bush on the McBee project. Fourth, I am the Co-PI, with David Cantor at Westat, and we are working with the American Association of University (AAU) 2019 Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct Design Team. David and I were the Co-PIs on the 2015 AAU Campus Climate Survey. Fifth, I am working with Professor Martin on secondary analyses of the 2015 AAU data; we are examining sexual victimization and perpetration involving cisgender men, cisgender women and gender minorities. I have published over 200 articles, chapters and reports that span the field of victimology. My primary research area has been on interpersonal violence against women, from stalking to sexual assault, with an emphasis on college women. My research interests include issues concerning the extent and predictors of sexual violence against college students, recurrent victimization and its predictors, students' fear of crime, the measurement of sexual victimization, reporting and consequences of sexual violence, and drugging. I welcome a multiple-disciplinary approach to research, and I embrace mixed-methods designs. I like to collaborate in research teams because my experience has been that diversity makes the team more creative. I am open to new theories and approaches to research questions and am willing to learn new qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques as needed.
Campus Sexual Assault, Other Campus Crime, Gun Violence, Stalking
American Indian and Alaska Native (tribal) victims, Deaf and hard-of-hearing victims, Victims with disabilities, LGBTQ victims
Community-based participatory research, Data collection, Program evaluation, Qualitative studies, Quantitative studies, Quasi-experimental studies, Randomized controlled trial
Community-based participatory research, Data collection, Needs assessment, Program evaluation, Qualitative studies, Quantitative studies, Quasi-experimental studies, Randomized controlled trial
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