Victim Researcher Profile

Researcher Photo

Stan Orchowsky





Cambiare Consulting







More than 20 years


Stan Orchowsky is the owner of Cambiare Consulting, a private company in Richmond, VA providing research, program evaluation, grant-writing, and training and technical assistance services. Dr. Orchowsky has 35 years of experience conducting and managing research and program evaluation projects in criminal and juvenile justice. Dr. Orchowsky began his career as a researcher for the Virginia Department of Corrections. In 1990 he became the Evaluation Section Chief at the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. At DCJS he worked closely with the agency's Victim Services Unit to improve the evaluation plans of local victim services agencies. While at DCJS he initiated a study of a coordinated community-based response to domestic violence in Alexandria, VA. Dr. Orchowsky continued that work with his own company, Applied Research Associates, with an NIJ-funded project to study the Alexandria Domestic Violence Intervention Program. At ARA he also worked with the city of Richmond to develop and collect performance measurement data on a variety of programs serving juvenile justice offenders and victims. In 1995 Dr. Orchowsky became the Research Director of the Justice Research and Statistics Association. In his time with JRSA, he served as the Principal Investigator/Project Director for a number of victim-related research and evaluation projects, including: an NIJ-funded assessment of domestic violence and sexual assault data collection systems in the states; a study of Pennsylvania's Victim Compensation program; and an NIJ-funded study of prosecutors' responses to human trafficking. Dr. Orchowsky also served as the Project Director for the Center for Victim Research, a resource center designed to provide information on research and program evaluation to victim services providers, and as co-PI of a project to assess the gap between research and practice in victim services and a project to develop a study design to estimate crime victimization costs. He also managed a project to develop a resource center for domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking data. During his 22 1/2 years at JRSA, Dr. Orchowsky also managed projects to provide training and technical assistance in program evaluation, performance measurement and evidence-based practices to adult and juvenile justice sub-grantees across the country, was co-PI on a project to investigate homicide closures; oversaw data collection on hate crime training for law enforcement officers as part of a project to improve bias crime reporting; provided information on state victimization surveys and the National Crime Victimization Survey; and collected data as part of a study of workplace violence in pharmacies.




Action research, Community-based participatory research, Data collection, Descriptive studies, Needs assessment, Program evaluation, Qualitative studies, Quantitative studies, Quasi-experimental studies, Randomized controlled trial, Training and/or technical assistance


Action research, Data collection, Descriptive studies, Program evaluation, Qualitative studies, Quantitative studies, Quasi-experimental studies, Training and/or technical assistance