Frequently Asked Questions

Here we provide answers to some commonly asked CVR questions. If you need additional information or would like to request specific assistance, please CONTACT US.


The Vision 21 initiative identified the need for updated, victim-centered research to inform decision-making and program development in victim services. As such information can be time-consuming and expensive to find, the Center for Victim Research (CVR) Library was created. The CVR Library includes a completely digital collection of research and data related to victimization and victim services, a blog with search tips and recommended materials by topic, and personalized assistance from the Research Librarian.

The CVR Library collection is provided by the Center for Victim Research under grant number 2016-XV-GX-K006, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The CVR Library collection includes study reports, peer-reviewed articles, quick fact sheets, audio interviews, and video trainings – all based on practice-informed research and evidence-based practices to improve services for crime victims. The CVR Library has two levels of access: the public collection and the full collection.

Everyone can search the CVR Library public collection, the largest repository of full-text, open-access victim research materials focused on all types of crime victim topics and issues. There is no need to log in or register to search the public collection.

The CVR Library full collection includes both the open access materials and subscription articles from more than 1,000 peer-reviewed research journals. Access to the full collection requires eligible providers (organizations receiving federal VOCA funding) to register, agree to follow copyright restrictions from publishers, and log in for full-text access. Also, the Research Librarian can send, upon request, a limited number of full-text articles from the publishers Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and SAGE.
One service provider from each VOCA-funded agency or organization can register with their agency’s VOCA number, which will allow those individuals to access full-text content from victim-relevant, subscription-based journal articles. Due to the number of VOCA-funded agencies, and the available funding, the CVR must limit access to the subscription library to one person per eligible agency or organization. Contact the CVR with specific questions or registration assistance.
VOCA-funded means agencies or organizations that receive funding from the federal Crime Victims Fund (also called the VOCA fund). The organizations may receive this funding directly from the U.S. Department of Justice or from a state administrator.

In order to enter an agreement with the publishers of the subscription materials, we needed to provide them with a specific, limited number of users. Because the funding for the CVR came from the Crime Victims Fund (VOCA), we chose to define the subscription user group as those agencies who receive the same type of funding. Contact the CVR if you have additional questions, or if the staff member from your agency who needs subscription access has changed.
The journal subscriptions in the CVR Library are copyright-protected and restricted to registered users. You cannot provide your username and password to anyone. You may share copyrighted PDFs within your work group. Outside your work group, you may print a single copy of a copyrighted article to share. These restrictions make it possible for the CVR to provide a mass subscription to the victim services field. Links to open access publications can be shared much more freely. Review the copyright flowchart and contact the CVR Library with additional questions.
The CVR Library staff are available to help practitioners and researchers with their library search questions. The CVR Library staff can send specific, full-text articles upon request and provide guidance on searching the library collection. After discussing your needs, topics, and timeline, the Research Librarian can also conduct a limited number of focused searches on your behalf and compile an annotated list of research materials for your review. The Research Librarian tailors trainings upon request and regularly posts “quick tips” on the library blog about advanced search tricks and finding research on specific topics.
The CVR Library partners with the libraries from the Center for Victim Research’s Research2Practice network: CALiO, NCEA, NCJRS, NCVLI, NIWRC, NSVRC, and VAWnet. The CVR Library draws from partner libraries and additional collections to pull together victim-specific research materials in one streamlined search box


At this time, the CVR does not conduct our own research. Rather, we promote, collect, and share the victim-related research of others.
Submit it to our Research Librarian, If it meets our criteria, we will add it to our library
We offer light touch research-oriented technical assistance to practitioners and researchers. Whether you have an evaluation question but need help putting it into a logical framework, are wondering about developing measurable benchmarks, or have a question about data collection methods – we are here to help. Contact us with your question. We will work with you to assess the nature of your need and determine the assistance best suited to address your questions.
Yes, we can point you to some helpful resources and give you some tips for finding a researcher. Contact us with further details.


You can update your password and profile settings from the login page. If you are still receiving error messages when you try to log in, contact the CVR support. Registrations must be renewed yearly and your login may need to be updated.
We are continually reconsidering the tools and trainings we promote, and your recommendation may still be under review. In addition, all recommendations are forwarded to our TA team, who may use it in responding to a request from the field. Thank you for your submission!