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Violence Across the Lifecourse: Child Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence, and Elder Mistreatment

The CVR webinar Evidence Hour series continues with this overview of research on the connections between child maltreatment and later forms of violence that extend to and beyond mid-life. We will discuss the developmental associations between child maltreatment, violence in adolescence, and intimate partner violence (IPV) and elder mistreatment. We will also review the existing, though […]

National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center National Town Hall

January 27, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET The National Town Hall hosted by the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC) will provide timely, basic and evidence-informed information and resources about mass violence readiness, response and resilience/recovery to a national, interdisciplinary audience of survivors, victim/survivor assistance professionals, mental and behavioral health professionals, law enforcement […]

Assessing the Scope of Missing Native Americans in Nebraska: Results from a State-Wide Study and Recommendations

National Indian Country Training Initiative Announcement  The problem of missing persons has gained significant attention, and recent legislation in multiple states has called for studies on the scope of missing Native Americans. This webinar will describe the methodological and practical issues for researchers to consider when examining data on missing persons, and present the issues […]

Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). This is an issue that impacts everyone – not just teens – but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well. Together, we can raise the nation’s awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships. Check out CVR's Winter 2021-2022 Spotlight which […]

Support Over Silence for KIDS

Dr. Nancy Weaver will discuss how to apply communication sciences, analytics, and public health principles to promote healthy and positive parenting to reduce the prevalence of childhood abuse and neglect. During this webinar, she’ll discuss Support Over Silence for KIDS, which teaches bystanders the skills for responding to struggles between caregivers and children in public. […]

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

On February 23, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. e.t., the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center will present an online Expert Q&A discussion with Nicole Matthews and Alicia Nevaquaya on "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls." Indigenous people across the country have sounded the alarm for years about the disturbing and […]

Social Reactions to Sexual Assault

This webinar, another in the CVR Evidence Hour series, reviews research on correlates and impacts of social reactions made to victims disclosing sexual assault and partner violence. Findings about trauma disclosure and social reactions are presented from survivors and their informal support members (e.g., family, friend, romantic partner). Recommendations from survivors and informal supports about […]

Tamkin Symposium on Elder Abuse

The mission of the USC Judith D. Tamkin International Symposium on Elder Abuse is to create safe and healthy environments for all elders, here and across the world, by bringing thought leaders, activists, caregivers, researchers, lawmakers, and other stakeholders together to share findings, strategize solutions, and help shape and propel the field of elder abuse […]

High Prevalence of Elder Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk and Resilience Factors

From the National Adult Protective Services Association and Evidence Change: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, elder abuse affected one in 10 older adults annually in the U.S. It has been assumed that the pandemic has brought with it a surge in elder abuse due to individuals ordered to stay at home combined with increased interpersonal, […]

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: 59th Annual Meeting

Join us for the ACJS 59th Annual Meeting, March 15 - 19, 2022, in Las Vegas, NV at the Rio All-Suites Hotel and Casino. ACJS President Heather Pfeifer is excited to bring you a content rich program focused on “Avenues of Change: Integrating Research, Advocacy, and Education.” She and the 2022 program committee chairs have worked […]

International Symposium on Child Abuse

The National Children’s Advocacy Center (NCAC) is excited to bring you the virtual 38th International Symposium on Child Abuse scheduled for March 21-24, 2022.  Symposium will continue to provide the state-of-the art training you need to continue to provide services to children and to fight child abuse.  We are working to add more workshops and provide an even better digital […]

Logic Model for Victim Service Programs: The Link Between Program Outcomes and Program Sustainability

During this training, participants will learn how the use of a logic model is an essential component of victim services program evaluation and planning. Information and discussion on the relationship between resources, activities, and outcomes will help prepare participants to consider the range and types of program outcomes to track. These outcomes have valuable practical […]