January 31, 2022
The Evidence Hour: Violence Across the Lifecourse – Child Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence, and Elder Mistreatment
The Center for Victim Research’s webinar series, The Evidence Hour, showcases a recent systematic review* or meta-analysis about victimization, trauma, or victim services. Each webinar features an author of the […]

September 17, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Facilitators of Help-Seeking for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S.
Center for Victim Research’s webinar series, The Evidence Hour, showcases a recent systematic review* or meta-analysis about victimization, trauma, or victim services. Each webinar features an author of the research […]

July 28, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Helping without Harming: Educating Mental Health Professionals on Working with Survivors of IPV
Center for Victim Research’s webinar series, The Evidence Hour, showcases a recent systematic review* or meta-analysis about victimization, trauma, or victim services. Each webinar features an author of the research […]

June 17, 2021
The Evidence Hour: Helping without Harming: Educating Mental Health Professionals on Working with Survivors of IPV
Join CVR for the next in our Evidence Hour series, Helping without Harming: Educating Mental Health Professionals on Working with Survivors of IPV. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global problem […]

January 27, 2021
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are victims of physical violence by a partner every year. #DVAM