Spotlight / Summer 2019
Victimization Risks and Service Access / CVR Research Article

Read this CVR Research Article, “Who Experiences Violent Victimization and Who Accesses Services?” by Warnken and Lauritsen highlighting violent victimization risks and access to services for different groups, based on their analysis of National Crime Victimization Survey data.

Elder Abuse Awareness Day / June 15th

Check out snapshots of elder abuse data from the National Adult Mistreatment Report System, the National Incident-Based Reporting System, and the FTC Consumer Sentinel Network.

Register for this CVR webinar on the NIJ-funded EMPOWER demonstration to prevent elder mistreatment and learn about multiphase, victim researcher-practitioner efforts.

Learn about programs designed to improve the identification, intervention, and prevention of elder abuse in this systematic review. Contact CVR Librarian about full-text access.

Review data on elder abuse Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) collected by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, showing a quadrupling of SARs since 2013. Nearly 80% of the SARS involve actual monetary loss to older adults.
LGBT Pride Month / June

Understand the victimization needs and help-seeking experiences of LGBTQ+ crime victims in Illinois.

Review recent literature about LGBTQ+ intimate partner violence. Contact CVR Librarian about full-text access.
Syda Productions/Shutterstock

Explore high school survey data from 19 states and large urban districts on the victimization experiences of transgender youth.

Check out this brief summarizing sex trafficking research on transgender and gender nonconforming youth.
Andrii Zastrozhnov/Shutterstock
Support Military on Independence Day / July 4th

Learn about the use of clinical video technology to treat PTSD following military sexual trauma. Contact CVR Librarian about full-text access.
Tippa Patt/Shutterstock

Review this report documenting the needs of male sexual assault victims in the U.S. Armed Forces, as well as potential ways to better address their needs.
Women’s Equality Day / August 26th

Check out this special issue of Translational Criminology, focused on women, girls, and justice research—including articles on campus sexual misconduct, cybersexual victimization, and sexual assault kits.

Read about women firefighters’ experiences with work-related discrimination and harassment (including assault) and how it impacts their physical and mental health.
Sergey Mironov/shutterstock
National Back to School Month / August

Review the most recent data on school crime and safety from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics.

Examine peer victimization and potential individual, school, and peer risk factors among a national sample of middle and high school students. /shutterstock

Learn how school climate affects the relationship between neighborhood violence exposure and academic achievement for middle school students.

Check out data from CDC’s School-Associated Violent Death Surveillance System to understand trends and characteristics in school-associated homicides.
Cynthia Farmer/shutterstock