Victim Researcher Profile

Researcher Photo

Wendelin M. Hume



North Dakota


University of North Dakota






Criminal Justice, Victimology


More than 20 years


Wendelin Hume, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and an affiliate of the Women and Gender Studies Program at the University of North Dakota (UND). She grew up on the First Nations - Anishinaabe Reserve near Sioux Narrows, Ontario, Canada where she developed an interest in justice and equity firsthand, since there often was a lack of it. She completed her undergraduate degree at Black Hills State University in Spearfish South Dakota and her graduate degrees in Criminal Justice and Criminology at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Based on her experiences growing up on the reservation in Northwestern Ontario and on her work in the Criminal Justice field, her academic interests include Tribal Justice, Restorative Justice, and victim issues ranging from Cybercrime to family violence. Her personal interests include her family, ranch, and contributing time and energy to community and her undergraduate and graduate students. She has been teaching and researching at UND for over 26 years. Positions 1987-1988 Teaching Assistant of Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Center, Sam Houston State University (SHSU) 1987-1991 Coordinator for the Survey Research Program, Criminal Justice Center, SHSU. 1989 Survey Analyst for the Texas Correctional Association in cooperation with Criminal Justice Center (CJC), SHSU. 1990-1991 Survey Researcher and Analyst for the Center for Legal Studies, Sam Houston State University in cooperation with Texas Juvenile Parole and Probation and Texas Youth Commission. 1991 Research Consultant for Houston Police Department in cooperation with CJC, SHSU. 1991-2001 Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Sociology, and Women Studies, Criminal Justice Studies Program, University of North Dakota (UND) 2001- present Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Women & Gender Studies, Criminal Justice Department, UND 2018-present Criminal Justice and Victimology subject matter expert with the National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative (NIEJI) Honors 1998 JC Penny Golden Rule Award Nominee 1999 Special Recognition - 400 hours of volunteer service to North Dakota News Voice 1999 Nominated for Martin Luther King Jr. Award 2000 Chosen for Memorial Union Leadership Awards 2003 Chosen as Women Studies Series - Spotlight on Scholars honoree 2005 Outstanding Service Award, College of Arts and Sciences 1993-2006 Recipient of the President’s Circle, Pine to Prairie Pin(s), Appreciation Pin(s), Outstanding Volunteer Pin, and Outstanding Leader Pin with Girl Scouting 2006 Athena Award nominee 2007 Recipient of Martin Luther King, Jr. Award for Service to Humanity 2009 Founders Day 2009 Honoree - UND Spirit Award 2010 Honored Elder during the 25th Anniversary of Time Out Week and Wacipi at UND 2013 Received Award of Excellence from UND Office of Admissions 2013 Guest of Honor for American Indian Heritage Month 2016, 2015 Engaged Department Award presented to Department


Bullying, Campus Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse, Child Trafficking and Exploitation, Computer/Internet Crimes, Dating Violence (Teen), Domestic and Family Violence, Drug-Related Victimization, Elder Abuse/Mistreatment, Fraud and Identity Theft, Hate and Bias Crimes, Physical Assault (other than domestic violence or elder abuse), Sexual Abuse or Violence (other than campus sexual assault), Stalking, Trafficking in Persons, Vicarious Trauma, Workplace Violence, Tribal Victimization


American Indian and Alaska Native (tribal) victims, Child victims, Victims with disabilities, LGBTQ victims, Older victims, Immigrants and refugees, Rural victims, Disabled Victims


Community-based participatory research, Data collection, Descriptive studies, Needs assessment, Program evaluation, Qualitative studies, Quantitative studies, Training and/or technical assistance