Victim Researcher Profile

Researcher Photo

Bridget Diamond-Welch



South Dakota


University of South Dakota


Associate Professor of Criminal Justice







Bridget Diamond-Welch, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice in the Department of Political Science at the University of South Dakota (USD). Her PhD is in sociology and her research focus is on sexual violence with specific focus on sexual assault and trafficking. She has over a dozen publications and several grants on sexual violence topics. Recent work includes analysis of sexual identity and rape myths, research into commercialized sex with focus on pornography and sex purchasers, and systematic issues with sexual assault kits. Dr. Diamond-Welch currently serves as the grant director/PI on USD’s Office of Violence Against Women Campus grant which partners with local law enforcement, mental health, hospital, and prosecutor. Her previous research has included examining the efficacy of bystander intervention programs. She is a member of her campus SART, her county SART, and contributes regularly to the efforts of the statewide SART. Dr. Diamond-Welch actively researches with community partners. She is the PI/researcher on the state of South Dakota’s recent submission to the SAKI BJA grant, which is in collaboration with the Beadle State Attorney's Office, SD Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI), South Dakota Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (The Network), and the Center for the Prevention of Childhood Maltreatment (CPCM). She has worked with The Network for the past year – consulting on writing three national grants and collecting data on program evaluability. She has also partnered with The Network on issues related to sexual assault kits across the state of South Dakota and helped frame recent legislative changes in the state. Work with the Network has also included initial qualitative interviews about SAKs from important state actors—including DCI agents, victim-witness coordinators, state legislatures, SANE nurses, and others. Prior to this work, she spent three years as a volunteer rape and domestic violence advocate in Illinois. She currently volunteers with CASA in Southeast South Dakota.


Campus Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse, Child Trafficking and Exploitation, Domestic and Family Violence, Sexual Abuse or Violence (other than campus sexual assault), Trafficking in Persons


American Indian and Alaska Native (tribal) victims, LGBTQ victims, Immigrants and refugees, Rural victims


Action research, Community-based participatory research, Data collection, Descriptive studies, Ethnography, Needs assessment, Program evaluation, Qualitative studies, Quantitative studies, Quasi-experimental studies, Randomized controlled trial, Training and/or technical assistance


Community-based participatory research, Data collection, Descriptive studies, Needs assessment, Program evaluation, Qualitative studies, Quantitative studies