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CVR Data Coaching: Finding Data on Reported State and Local Crime

CVR is reprising our popular Data Coaching series to help you better find public data to support your work. Each session will include a 20 min. introduction to an online data source, after which participants will have an opportunity to use the source to gather a few local statistics while CVR staff stand by to […]


Impact of Mass Shootings on Youth

Firearms have become the leading cause of death for US children and teens, and disproportionately impact people of color. The impact of gun violence extends far beyond immediate deaths and injuries, with childhood exposure contributing to mental health challenges, and increasing the risk of adult involvement in gun violence. In this Joyce Foundation webinar, panelists […]


CVR Data Coaching: Finding Data on Violent Deaths in Your State

CVR is reprising our popular Data Coaching series to help you better find public data to support your work. Each session will include a 20 min. introduction to an online data source, after which participants will have an opportunity to use the source to gather a few local statistics while CVR staff stand by to […]


CVR Data Coaching: Finding Data on Campus and Tribal Communities

CVR is reprising our popular Data Coaching series to help you better find public data to support your work. Each session will include a 20 min. introduction to an online data source, after which participants will have an opportunity to use the source to gather a few local statistics while CVR staff stand by to […]


The Science of Hope: An Introduction for Victim Service Providers

Hope has emerged as one of the top protective factors leading to well-being. This Center for Victim Research workshop will discuss the science of Hope as a psychological strength in our ability to cope with adversity and trauma.  This workshop will summarize over 15 years of research that show (1) hope predicts positive outcomes, (2) […]
